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Version Release Notes

Current Versions

Previous Versions

Data Version Support and Deprecation

Irradiance Fields

SolarAnywhere uses version control to ensure results are reproducible from one user or context to another. Particularly, irradiance fields like GHI, DNI and DHI are persistent with each data version; irradiance data released as “Archive,” denoted by prefix “A” in the irradiance observation type, will not change for that model version.

Auxiliary Fields

Non-irradiance fields, like temperature and wind, are not persistently version-controlled and may be subject to slight change over time. However, these changes are rare.

Supported Time Period

SolarAnywhere releases an updated Data Version annually, which aligns with the incorporation of the last year of satellite data. New model versions are expected to change slightly as more accurate modeling techniques and newer satellites are applied to the historical record.

Old model versions are only supported within five years’ time after initial release. However, the specific timing of version sunset may depend on a number of factors. Model deprecation occurs after an ample user notification.

To avoid issues with old data versions, we strongly recommend all automated API systems use “SolarAnywhereLatest” Data Version.


SolarAnywhere will deprecate versions by first restricting access to external users to phase out use. During this phase-out period, API requests to deprecated versions will fail. However, there will a period of time where this data is stored internally to Clean Power Research.


SolarAnywhere will readily delete old data versions after deprecation. This means that deprecated data versions will not exist anymore, and access will be impossible.