Historical Data Validation

SolarAnywhere® Data Version 3.8
Updated June 2024

At Clean Power Research®, we believe that bankable, accurate data is critically important to developing renewable energy and achieving a future of a clean powered planet. The SolarAnywhere team takes great care to ensure that each data version update improves our data sources, irradiance model and calibrations. As SolarAnywhere® is widely used for independent and bankable solar resource assessment, operational monitoring and forecast, we endeavor to ensure our customers and partners have full confidence in this as well.

The SolarAnywhere V3.8 validation paper provides reference statistics for SolarAnywhere datasets published June 2024 alongside the release of SolarAnywhere V3.8. and covers a maximum date range from 1998 through 2023, depending on the region. We find these metrics to be a transparent assessment of our irradiance values against a set of global reference sites.

For more information, read the public validation report, request a copy of the full validation report or visit the support center for additional technical details on V3.8 features and enhancements.

Now Available in SolarAnywhere V3.8

In addition to the usual incorporation of 2023 data into SolarAnywhere long-history data files, we’re excited to announce the availability of basic high-latitude irradiance data, new wind datasets, uncertainty by climate and more with the latest version of SolarAnywhere: