Investment-grade Solar Data

Rely on accurate, validated SolarAnywhere data to site, engineer and finance your solar projects

Leading solar enterprises around the world trust in SolarAnywhere to reduce project risk and secure the best financing terms. Developed specifically for solar PV applications, SolarAnywhere offers the most-extensive meteorological datasets and energy intelligence to optimize plant design, and better understand extreme-weather risks and inter-annual variability.

And it doesn’t end there. SolarAnywhere supports every stage of the solar lifecycle, with data and intelligence services for benchmarking and forecasting operational solar plant performance to help ensure long-term profitability.

What Makes SolarAnywhere Bankable?

When designing and financing solar power plants, quality solar resource data matters. SolarAnywhere high-fidelity irradiance data meets the highest standards for bankability and is trusted by the solar industry for PV project financing. Site-specific intelligence such as snow and soiling loss data helps developers and solar asset owners better understand risk from extreme weather and improve PV performance benchmarking for their solar assets.

Validated Accuracy

Depend on data that is thoroughly validated and versioned for comparability and repeatability, with published low uncertainty, and trusted industry-wide for its accuracy and reliability

Reliable and Consistent Results

Confidently compare project sites, conduct performance analyses, and generate highly-reliable energy yield and cashflow predictions using built-for-solar data that is generated with globally consistent and rigorously tested methodologies

Spatially Precise Measurements

Accurately model solar project performance with sub-hourly, high-resolution data that represents actual conditions at a project site—not just averages, synthetic data or ground measurements from nearby sites

Long History + Current Data

Rely on gap-free typical year and time-series data with a long period of record to reduce long-term average solar resource uncertainty and increase accuracy of low insolation year (P90/P99) estimates to manage PV production and financing risk

Highly Available

Streamline workflows by accessing historical, real-time and forecast data when and where you need it, either on-demand, via API or directly from within your PV simulation program of choice

What’s New with SolarAnywhere

New SolarAnywhere Data Options

Reduce PV modeling uncertainty with industry-first, high-resolution far-horizon shading data; site-specific bifacial modeling; time-series albedo, snow and soiling loss data; high-resolution data with True Dynamics™; and more.

New validation documentation

Read a new independent validation study published by Fraunhofer ISE, and access the latest SolarAnywhere accuracy documentation. 

New IEEE research on using measured-plus-modeled data to reduce uncertainty

Learn how high-quality satellite data such as SolarAnywhere complements and improves the value of measured site data. 

New SolarAnywhere real-time data demonstrations

See how SolarAnywhere® SystemCheck® helps achieve operational excellence by integrating real-time, weather-adjusted energy production estimates into your O&M processes.

New forecast capacity factors

Learn about a soon-to-be released SolarAnywhere Forecast capacity factors feature that makes it possible to add scheduled derates/outages to forecasted energy outputs via the API.


Solar Project Development

Bankable, high-fidelity typical-year and time-series irradiance data for prospecting, designing and financing solar PV plants around the world

Solar Asset Operations & Management

Real-time solar data and power modeling solutions enabling reliable, scalable performance benchmarking of operational solar assets

Learn more

Energy Market Participation

Accurate, reliable and securely delivered solar irradiance and energy forecasts for optimizing solar power plant operation and maximizing revenue generation

Learn more
7 Days Ahead

SolarAnywhere Customer Stories

Read how solar-industry leaders are streamlining workflows and expanding their service offerings using SolarAnywhere

Invenergy Services
Invenergy Services
Invenergy Services
Invenergy Services
Invenergy Services

ON-DEMAND Webinars

Grid planning and operations for utilities
SolarAnywhere Accuracy Examined: Independent Validation by Fraunhofer ISE
Grid planning and operations for utilities
Drilling down into PV modeling: the role of accurate meteo, horizon, soiling and albedo data streams
Grid planning and operations for utilities
Increase Confidence in PV Yield Assessments & Financial Modeling with PV*SOL & SolarAnywhere
Grid planning and operations for utilities
Maximize String Size on Your Utility-scale PV Plant with Voltage Pro
Grid planning and operations for utilities
The Secrets to Planning & Optimizing Utility-scale Solar Power Plants
Grid planning and operations for utilities
Designing the Solar Plant of the Future with Sub-hourly Simulations

Learn What SolarAnywhere Has to Offer

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