Heather Van Schoiack | Nov 17, 2023
The difference between SolarAnywhere® and that of a professionally installed and calibrated MET station was calculated to be equal to or less than the measurement accuracy of the weather stations. Combine this accuracy with the increased reliability that SystemCheck...
Heather Van Schoiack | Nov 17, 2023
Because of the way SolarAnywhere® SystemCheck® real-time data is consistently derived across the entire U.S., the actionable intelligence built into our machine learning models carries a high degree of confidence—and that radically simplifies our development process...
Shannon Wilcox | Jun 2, 2023
Since 2017, SolarAnywhere® has proven instrumental in completion of ~400MW of DG and utility scale solar projects, and development of our 5GW portfolio. We’ve leveraged the API to develop internal site screening tools and automate many of our reporting and resource...
Shannon Wilcox | Oct 21, 2020
Since 2017, we’ve used SolarAnywhere® Data from Clean Power Research® to help develop our 5 GW portfolio. By leveraging the API, we’ve been able to develop internal site screening tools and automate many of our reporting and resource assessment processes.